Terms and Conditions

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Art. 1 – SCOPE

1.1 These General Conditions govern the contractual relationship (hereinafter referred to as the “Contract“) between Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari, the managing body of Ca’ Foscari Challenge School (hereinafter referred to as “Ca’ Foscari Challenge School“) and the individual who enrols in one of the Training Courses (hereinafter referred to as the “Course“) described on the respective page and/or presentation sheet on the website https://www.cafoscarichallengeschool.it/ (here, referred to as the “Presentation Sheet”).


2.1 The enrolling student prepares their own enrolment application directly online by filling in the specific form (“Application Form”).

2.2 Ca’ Foscari Challenge School will confirm receipt of the application, as well as completion of the enrolment by e-mail, sent to the e-mail address indicated by the enrolling student on the Enrolment Form.

2.3 The contract will be considered finalised on receipt of the completed Enrolment Form by Ca’ Foscari Challenge School and payment of the enrolment fee, where applicable.

2.4 The enrolment application must be received:

  1. within 7 (seven) days before the starting date of the Course if it is held according to the formalities of Article 5.1.a; or
  2. within 3 (three) days before the starting date of the Course if it is held according to the formalities of Art. 5.1.b.

2.5 Only in exceptional cases, Ca’ Foscari Challenge School reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to accept enrolment applications received after the above-mentioned deadline; in such cases, any cancellations will be governed by the terms of Art. 7.4 e 7.5.


3.1 The enrolment fees are as specified in the Presentation Sheet (excluding VAT).

3.2 The payment of the fee by the enrolling student or by the other party indicated as payer and invoice holder must be made at the same time as the Enrolment Form in one of the following ways:

a) by credit card or PayPal;

b) by bank transfer to the following bank account:

Fondazione Università Ca’ Foscari
Banca INTESA SAN PAOLO – Venezia Mestre branch
IBAN Code: IT52T 03069 09606 100000100295

attaching the transfer receipt in .PDF format to the Enrolment Form.

3.3 If an application for enrolment is made by a person employed by a Public Organisation or someone who is connected to a Public Body that will be paying the enrolment fee, a copy of the authorisation issued by the Body containing the relevant commitment of expenditure must be sent together with the application via e-mail to corsi.challengeschool@unive.it .

3.4 The invoice will be issued according to the tax-related information provided by the enrolling student on the Enrolment Form.

Art. 4 – TRACKING OF FINANCIAL FLOWS (for public organisations only)

4.1 If the legal or regulatory requirements for applying the regulations on the traceability of financial transactions (as per Law No. 136 of 13 August 2010; Decree Law No. 187/2010, converted by Law No. 217/2010; ANAC rulings) apply, the Parties are bound, for their respective reasons, to fulfil all the obligations provided for, under penalty of termination of the contract.


5.1 Depending on the cases specifically envisaged for it, the Course as specified in the Presentation Sheet will be delivered as follows:

  1. Classroom lessons
  • the lessons will be held on the dates and in the places indicated in the Presentation Sheet or on different dates and in the different places that will be promptly notified to the participants by e-mail at the email addresses indicated in the Enrolment Form;
  • Classroom lessons that have not been used cannot be made up.

2. Online lessons

  • access to the lessons will be via an e-learning platform for the number of sessions (live and/or deferred) specified in the Presentation Sheet;
  • in the case of deferred lessons, the enrolled student must, in any case, carry out the relative works by and not after the period indicated in the Presentation Sheet;
  • in the case of live lessons, to benefit from the training, the enrolled student will be required to connect on the date and at the time indicated in the communication with which Ca’ Foscari Challenge School will provide the necessary personal and non-transferable access credentials no later than the day before the start of the Course;
  • According to its own indisputable needs, Ca’ Foscari Challenge School reserves the right to change the dates and times of the online lessons indicated in the Presentation Sheet, giving timely notice to participants via email to the address indicated in the Enrolment Form.

5.2 Ca’ Foscari Challenge School reserves the right to change, at its sole discretion, the method of conducting the lessons from on-site to on-line for reasons of safety or health protection.

5.3 The enrolling student declared that s/he is fully aware that:

  1. the language of the Course is the one indicated in the Presentation Sheet;
  2. it is necessary to have a good level of knowledge and mastery of the language in which the course will be held;
  3. supplementary materials may be offered and/or suggested in languages other than the one in which the course will be held.

5.3 Irrespective of the way the Course is delivered and used, it is neither permitted nor possible to replace an enrolled student after the beginning of the Course, for the entire duration of the Course.

5.4 The e-learning platform referred to in Article 5.1.b will be active 24 hours a day during the period indicated in the Presentation Sheet, while the support for its use will be active from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 18:00.

5.4 The enrolling student declares that s/he is fully aware of and expressly, and unconditionally accepts, that:

  1. to use the e-learning platform, s/he must have the minimum technical requirements described in the Programme section of the Presentation Sheet;
  2. Ca’ Foscari Challenge School is not, and can never be, held responsible in any way for any difficulty, fault, anomaly, interruption, inability to access and/or use the e-learning platform deriving from and/or in connection with the hardware and/or software equipment of the enrolled student, with the connection through the provider chosen by the enrolling student or with the malfunction of the telephone/data/web connection.

5.5 Ca’ Foscari Challenge School, in respect of environmental sustainability, provides teaching materials exclusively in digital format: tools and documents relating to the Course will therefore be available exclusively on the appropriate platform, which will be accessible through the access credentials that will be communicated in accordance with the terms of Article 5.1.b.

5.6 The intellectual property rights regarding any material made available to the enrolled student, including any media and documentation, remain the full and exclusive property of Ca’ Foscari Challenge School and/or of the legitimate owners.

5.7 The enrolled student undertakes not to copy, in any way, not even partially, either directly or through an intermediary, the aforementioned materials and programmes on hard disks or on other durable storage media, not to transfer them, not to allow them to be used and/or viewed, not to publish them, not to disclose them, not to modify them, not to deform them and, in any case, not to perform any act that may, directly or indirectly, prejudice the holder of the relevant intellectual property rights.

5.8 Intellectual property rights, including copyright, relating to the material in any way made available to the enrolled student, even for the purposes of remote teaching, including any form of audio or video recording, including any media and documentation, remain the full and exclusive property of Ca’ Foscari Challenge School and/or of its legitimate owners.

5.9 The enrolled student declares that s/he is aware and accepts that:

  1. it is absolutely forbidden to disseminate on the web the activities carried out by and with the course teachers/lecturers and the other participants in the Course, as well as the relative teaching material provided, and in any case to make any use other than strictly personal use related to the study and acquisition of the knowledge of the Course;
  2. it is absolutely forbidden to take screenshots or photographs of any kind, either for personal use or to be disseminated on the internet, concerning the activities of the Course itself and/or the course lecturer and/or participants;
  3. it is strictly forbidden to use the material referred to in Article 5.6 for any purpose other than individual training.

Therefore, merely by way of example, the enrolled student undertakes not to copy, in any way, not even partially, either directly or through an intermediary, the aforementioned materials and programmes on hard disks or on other durable storage media, not to transfer them, not to allow them to be used and/or viewed, not to publish them, not to disclose them, not to modify them, not to deform them and, in any case, not to perform any act that may, directly or indirectly, prejudice the holder of the relevant intellectual property rights. 

Any conduct in breach of points (a), (b) and (c) of this Article will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. 


6.1 Regardless of how the course is run as per Art. 5.1, if enrolments for the course exceed the maximum number of participants indicated in the Enrolment Form, Ca’ Foscari Challenge School reserves the right to select participants by using the chronological order in which the Enrolment Forms are received.

6.2 If the Course is repeated, those excluded according to Art. 6.1 above will be contacted for the next edition and if they intend to participate, they will have priority over new enrolments. Otherwise, the participation fee will be reimbursed by the applicant submitting a notice of withdrawal according to the procedure given in paragraph 7.1 below.

6.3 In cases when Course enrolment is conditional on having certain specific skills, as described in the Presentation Sheet, Ca’ Foscari Challenge School reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to evaluation of the suitability of applicants based on the skills indicated in the Enrolment Form or on the curriculum vitae attached to the Enrolment Form (if applicable), as indicated in the Participation Form, or on a short online test to be taken at the same time as the application, in accordance with what is indicated in the Presentation Sheet. If an enrolling student is refused entry, the fee paid will be refunded.


7.1 The statements of intention to withdraw and cancel application referred to in Article 6.2 and in this Article 7 must always and in every case be submitted by the enrolled student by registered letter with return receipt or certified email, with advance notification in every case by e-mail to: corsi.challengeschool@unive.it.

7.2 In the courses held according to the formalities of Art. 5.1.a, enrolled students who send a statement of withdrawal within 7 (seven) days before the starting date of the Course will be entitled to a refund of the participation fee.

7.3 The enrolled student declares that s/he is aware that for an application for enrolment received after the deadline indicated in Art. 2.4 and exceptionally accepted by Ca’ Foscari Challenge School, the right of withdrawal as per Art. 7.2 is expressly excluded; any cancellations will be governed by the terms of Art. 7.4 and 7.5 of these General Conditions.

7.4 For courses run to the procedures of Art. 5.1.a, an enrolled student who cancels their participation between 7 (seven) and 3 (three) days before Course commencement will not be entitled to a refund of any fees already paid, subject to the possibility of attending the next edition of the Course (if any) or another Course organised by Ca’ Foscari Challenge School, subject to payment, within 5 (five) days from the start of the new course chosen, of any balance if the enrolment fee is higher.

7.5 For courses run to the procedures of Art. 5.1.b, cancellation is permitted up to 3 (three) days before course commencement however the participant is not entitled to a refund of the fee but only to the possibility of attending the next edition of the course (if any) or another course organised by Ca’ Foscari Challenge School, subject to payment, within 5 (five) days from the start date of the new course chosen, of any balance if the enrolment fee is higher.

7.6 An enrolled participant who submits notice of cancellation after the deadline indicated in Art. 7.4 or 7.5 depending on how the Course is run, and any participant who, without sending notice of their cancellation, does not take the Course, will not have the right to a refund of any fee already paid and/or will, in any case, be required to pay the full fee as per Art. 3.1.


8.1 Ca’ Foscari Challenge School may, due to unexpected and unquestionable organisational needs, postpone or cancel a scheduled course by giving notice to participants within 3 (three) days of the course’s commencement date. In this case, the only obligation of Ca’ Foscari Challenge School will be to refund the amount already received, with the express exclusion of any additional charge, obligation or liability.

8.2 In addition to the provisions of Art. 5.2 of these General Conditions, Ca’ Foscari Challenge School may also modify, again in its sole discretion, the programme, the location of the Course, replace the teachers/professors and change the way the lessons are held; in this case, without prejudice to the obligations of the enrolled student, nothing will be refunded and/or owed by Ca’ Foscari Challenge School.


9.1 Any tolerance by Ca’ Foscari Challenge School of infringements of these contractual provisions does not constitute, and can never constitute, a waiver of the rights deriving from the provisions infringed, nor the right to demand the proper fulfilment of all the obligations and/or conditions provided for and/or contemplated.


10.1 The contractual relationship between Ca’ Foscari Challenge School and the enrolled student is governed by Italian law. For matters not expressly provided for in these General Conditions, the provisions of the Italian Civil Code apply.

10.2 Any dispute connected with the Contract shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Venice, Italy.